What is Assisted Hatching?

There are extensive criteria that must be met before our specialist suggests this procedure for couples. The below are the basic, but not the only, requirements to be met to become eligible for Assisted Hatching.
- Women who have experienced at least one or more failed IVF cycles
- NCouples who have very low chances of conception
- NWomen above the age of 37 years

While Assisted Hatching improves the chances of IVF treatment to a certain extent, the result would depend on other factors such as quality of the egg and sperm and the hardness of the zona.
While the procedure poses no major risks to the person undergoing it, there is a probability of embryo damage in some cases. Our team of experts will ensure that risks are greatly minimized and procedure is ideally performed with great care.
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At aeva Fertility Hospital, our experienced and compassionate fertility specialists give you the care and confidence you need to make your dreams of building a family come true.
Assisted Hatching Procedure

The procedure involves thinning the outer shell of the embryo gently by directing laser beams towards the layer or by making us of Tyrode, an acidic solution that can dissolve the layer. Using either one of these techniques will enable the shell to thin, facilitate the embryo to hatch out of it, and improve the chances of implantation in the uterus.
Initial consultations with the couple will include a thorough review of their medical history by our specialist who will prescribe further tests, if needed before recommending the procedure. These sessions will also enable the couple to have a complete understanding of the procedure, the steps involved, and the probable outcome which will help them make an informed decision.
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