What is a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)?


HSG is a simple diagnostic X-ray that is done by our fertility specialists with an objective to probe into female infertility issues. This is done to verify whether both fallopian tubes are patent (open) and the uterine cavity has a proper shape. 

HSG is done after a woman completes her monthly periods but before she ovulates to prevent interference with early chances of pregnancy.

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HSG Procedure

HSG Procedure
The patient is made to lay under the fluoroscope (the real time x-ray imager); a cannula is passed through her vagina into the opening of her cervix through which a liquid containing iodine fills her uterus. If the fallopian tubes are opened, the liquid gets released through the other ends. Other abnormalities, if any, are clearly visible from the x-ray images.

The entire procedure requires barely 30 minutes to conclude and the patient may leave as soon as our specialist evaluates that she is fit enough and does not need any further medical supervision. We have a separate day care unit to carry out the HSG and other similar medical investigations.

What to Expect?

Though the name of the procedure seems complicated, the procedure, however, does not bear any major complications. There are no serious side effects involved with the process other than abdominal cramps that generally subsides within few hours. However, if cramps continue, it is advised to seek for the doctor’s advice.

HSG is not a treatment that enhances the pregnancy but just an investigative procedure to identify the procedure that helps to identify the probable reasons behind a woman’s infertility.

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